Friday, July 25, 2008


The adherence to proper moral and ethical principles; the soundness of moral character and honesty to oneself and above all to others. A firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values which are incorruptible, fair honest and true to all. An unimpaired, unparalleled condition of truth and soundness that are fully accountable to oneself and others that is beyond any dispute and is reflected in liquid transparency, honesty and complete harmony in what one thinks, says, and does.
When used to describe a virtue, ‘integrity’ refers to a quality of a person's character and the upholding of what is perceived by common society to be decent, moral and correct. Integrity is primarily a matter of keeping one self intact and uncorrupted and being able to distinguish right from wrong and living by such moral obligations and standards to society, family and friends.
A view to integrity is to think of it primarily in terms of a person holding steadfastly true to their commitments and what are deemed to be proper convictions without giving way to desires and temptation at the risk of betrayal to others.
Integrity must find common ground with accepted moral standard and purpose otherwise it cannot be deemed to be generally accepted terms of integrity if purely based on one's own perception and no one else's commonly accepted norms.

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